Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State - Contact
If after reading the FAQ you have more questions about the experience before doing the soundwalk, please contact the Center for the Performing Arts: +1 814-863‑0255 | Telephone Hours: Monday – Friday, 10 AM – 4 PM | Email: or
Artist Contact
We’d love to hear about your experience! Please share images and thoughts on social media with the hashtag #200acreswalk. You can find us on Instagram @200acres. If you have questions or comments, you can reach us through the contact form on this page.
Technical issues
200 ACRES is experienced through a new custom built app. We have done what we can to make it as smooth as possible, but because it is new software you may run into some issues we didn't know about before. It's very helpful if in this case you can report to us what happened and at what point in the experience through the contact form on this page.